how to write an effective CV?
Having a well-structured CV to highlight your skills is the first step in your hunt for the ideal job. Here are a few pointers to help you.

how to write a good supporting letter?
The supporting letter is your first contact with an employer. It will give him a first impression of you, so both form and content must be clear and precise.

rules for a good interview.
You’ve been selected for interview – well done! To avoid being too nervous, a good preparation is necessary.

all about temporary employment.
Thousands of people are working in temporary jobs in Luxembourg every day. Randstad is your employer for the entire duration of your deployment and is therefore careful to comply rigorously with all relevant legislation.
randstad relevate.
Our tools, called Randstad Relevate, are designed to bring job seekers closer to the right opportunities. And also to make it easier to manage their assignments and the administrative side of things.